Stephen Llewelyn

Stephen has a love for history, archaeology, palaeontology and music, and as he is easily distracted, usually has several stories ‘under construction’ at any one time. 

It’s best to get the stories out this way, otherwise his head might explode. Which would not be pretty.

Here are just some of the projects Stephen is working on, with more to come! 

FOR KEEPS - Rookstone by Stephen Llewelyn

FOR KEEPS - Rookstone

Take a trip down memory lane with a chilly comedy set against the nostalgic backdrop of the 1980s and 90s.

It’s 1994! Grunge, Britpop, the Kremlin Accords, the channel tunnel, Jacko marries Presley, the World Cup (actually, let’s forget that one).

Welcome to a simpler time for many, if not for Gary Stone. For Gary, a string of personal and professional disasters unfold, but luckily, you can laugh at them all, because it is the nineties and no one’s telling you to feel guilty about it!


The eagerly awaited sequel to The Apothecaries.

Summer AD1399. Sir Ralph is now running Warmstirrup, while his brother – and Harry-the-Cough’s sponsor, Lord Henry – is away in the south, embroiled in a civil war to supplant Richard II with Henry Bolingbroke.

By trying to help a friend, Harry becomes involved with an illegal coin counterfeiting ring and risks everything to bring only the guilty to justice – before Sir Ralph hangs him, as the finale to the revels at Warmstirrup’s Summer Fayre.  Desperate to keep his new wife out of danger, Harry has problems enough, without constant berating from Insane Alice, his mum’s ghost.

New World SLICES

What happened before, what happens next, and what happened while we were all looking the other way


Newfoundland by Stephen Llewelyn. Front book cover.

The tale of Captain Arnold Bessel, Lieutenant Audrey Jansen, Commander Morecombe Hetfield, Dr Kelly Marston and the crew of the USS Newfoundland. Picking up from the initial disappearance of the USS New World, Bessel travels back in time to rescue his friend, Captain Douglas, but it will be another twenty million years before they are reunited.

Meanwhile, infighting and ignorance of no-longer-extinct animals brings their party to the edge of extinction themselves. Surviving the life and times of Matilda, the aggressively territorial Tyrannotitan — a plus-sized lady with a decidedly negative attitude — proves more difficult for Marston and Hetfield even than their plans to rear a pair of baby sauropod dinosaurs. A hundred million years into the future, poor choices will lead to many being caught out by the eventual size of their pets. What would they know? 


Geoff Lloyd’s voyage through astrology and Elizabethan politics, on a one-man mission to save the world. Meanwhile, in the deep past of the Cretaceous Period, a new civilisation is born.