The recent past of Stephen Llewelyn…
New World series – Book 7
The end of the journey for the New World and her crew…
or is it?
The final chapter in the New World series and the most exciting yet.
Heidi Schultz’s schemes for world domination have come undone, so she turns the tables by undoing causality itself. Caught on the ground, Captain Douglas and his crew scramble to stop her and reverse the temporal chaos unfolding, but when Heidi gains control of the UNS New World, they are scattered through Earth’s deep history across thousands, even millions, of years.
While they fight to regroup, Heidi’s disturbing plan to save herself and the Schultz family grows more desperate than anything she has tried before – eclipsed only by Chief Hiro Nassaki’s plan to stop her. With everything now to lose, old friends, new friends and old enemies must pick a side if they are to stop… the collision.

The Apothecaries
Fear, superstition, witchcraft... a darkly humorous slice of medieval life.
One small town in Northumberland.
One castle contract. Two apothecaries.
Civil war is brewing. Usurpation, rebellion, betrayal, even black magic; these are hard times for the English people. Harder yet for near-destitute apothecary, Harry-the-Cough. Fleeing persecution and trumped-up murder charges, Harry is hunted by the law, jovial cutthroats, confused outlaws and an assassin who cannot die. When a suspected witch with a chequered past and a girl with a chequered present risk life and limb to save him, he is too busy running for his life to question why.
~ Sneak Peek ~
All life, indeed, all things, came from the stars. Aeons passed, alternating between silence and violence, until one day a creature was born to ask why? Throughout meagre human history, this has proved a most dangerous question – at some times, more than others. The European Middle Ages proved one such time.
Some say there is no such thing as bad publicity, but for a 14th century healer, even the good kind could land you in trouble – often fatally – and that was the rub, the mediocre status quo in which the men and women of early medicine became ensnared. Progressiveness with caution, tempered with traditionalism, was the only way to inch forward. To do otherwise was to risk being branded a heretic or a witch. Most cleaved to the belief that there was nothing new to medical science since Galen’s charming four humours of black bile, yellow bile, blood and phlegm. It was safer. Consequently, there was often little solidarity and little progress. The Church saw to that.
One creature born to ask such questions stared up at the stars from which he was made. He often wondered why. In fact, on that occasion, he was wondering why he was lying in the freezing February mud looking up at the stars. The heavenly spectators winked knowingly to one another but offered no explanation, so the young man ignored them.
Confused, he sat up, blearily refocusing his stare towards the door hanging broken from its hinges. Judging by his trajectory, he was surprised how little he hurt – though he suspected the morning might bring a degree of re-evaluation there, along with the more certain pain of a bill for damages.
The frigid night air tasted of hearth smoke, made more bitter yet by the sounds of raucous laughter carrying from inside the tavern. However, of more immediate concern was the chilly wetness creeping into his nether regions – despite the insulation provided by a skinful of ale. He groaned, his befuddled mind catching up to realise that, if he wished to stop further numbness pervading downstairs, he should probably get to his feet. Standing stiffly, he swayed with the alcoholiwobbles before eventually turning to totter away home, down narrow streets and dark alleys, back to his workshop.
Prequel to DINOSAUR
When a young palaeontologist is abducted from a dig in Patagonia, Detective Sergeant Rick Drummond receives a call for help from an old friend. Four years previously, he and Detective Sofia Romero investigated an industrial espionage ring. The operation to retrieve stolen experimental drive schematics ended in failure, yet Romero is convinced the latest disappearance is linked with the same syndicate.
Before he knows it, Drummond is embroiled in something deadly as they travel the world without orders, jurisdiction or backup – but thousands of miles are as nothing to the final journey he must take… through time.
FOR KEEPS - Rookstone
Take a trip down memory lane with a chilly comedy set against the nostalgic backdrop of the 1980s and 90s.
It’s 1994! Grunge, Britpop, the Kremlin Accords, the channel tunnel, Jacko marries Presley, the World Cup (actually, let’s forget that one).
Welcome to a simpler time for many, if not for Gary Stone. For Gary, a string of personal and professional disasters unfold, but luckily, you can laugh at them all, because it is the nineties and no one’s telling you to feel guilty about it!