I’m delighted to let you know that CURSED | Book 6 of the New World Series is now complete! Phew, another 125,000 words.
The work is in the final stages of development with editors and typesetters, etc. Everything that’s required to turn it into an actual book, and I hope it will be released and available in shops and online ready for early summer (hopefully in time for the holidays).
CURSED brings all the threads together ready for the big finale in COLLISION | Book 7. It’s full of tie-ups and reveals, alongside the usual science, palaeontology, history, terrible circumstances, and even more terrible jokes, you’ve come to expect from the series. I think this one might be the scariest yet, and I can’t wait to share it with you!
It’s available for pre-order from many on and offline book stores, but as the release date is not so very far away, here are a couple of quick links to Amazon, for anyone who’s yet to reserve a copy:
This book is full of surprises. In fact, it had several surprises for me, too. It was not quite the book I intended to write. If any of you remember the brief preface I wrote at the beginning of ALLEGIANCE | Book 3, well, lightning seems to have struck again. I changed the main theme of that book from a prehistoric virus that infected the crew, to a completely new storyline – thinking that everyone was probably already fed up enough with being locked in the house because of a virus! There were also myriad titles that sprang into being on the back of the pandemic, so I decided to minimise that element of the story and take a different path, and I’ve no regrets.
I always hope to provide escapism and entertainment with these stories; I didn’t want to bring everyone down then, and I don’t wish to do so now. So while this new work is not quite what I had noted in the beginning, I think its overall message is more positive for the minimising of events that would have taken us too close to real world concerns. We can always watch the news if we find ourselves feeling too happy, right?
So! Despite being called CURSED, this one has some fun and some positives along the way, too – alongside some dark and dastardly deeds, of course, as our heroes and villains slug it out to weave their way through time…
Below are a few, I suppose I would call them storyboards, to show you some of the exciting places CURSED will take you, and some of the exciting creatures you will meet along the way. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy them and the new book when it hits the shelves.

I hope you enjoy this latest insight into the New World’s places and characters. I look forward to sharing the full story with you on its release very soon!
Thank you as always for reading, and for your continued support.
Author’s illustrations feature images from the following sources, with thanks:
Spinosaurus skeleton – Paul Sereno
Berghof – Reddit
Spanish Galleon – Wikimedia commons
San Juan de Sicilia – Times
Carcharodontosaurus saharicus – unknown artist
Spinosaurus aegyptiacus – unknown artist
Afromimus tenerensis – unknown artist
Rugops primus – unknown artist
Paralititan stromeri – Joshua Knuppa
Sarcosuchus imperator – Extinctanimals.org – unknown artist