Stephen Llewelyn

New World Series

“The New World Series explores humanity’s uncertain future from a long lost past, along with all the intrigues which have plagued man (and woman) throughout every era.”
Science Fiction and Historic Fiction merge to create a hundred million years of epic adventure

The New World series by Stephen Llewelyn

New World series

"Spaceships, wormholes and dinosaurs! Don't miss it."
Stephen Baxter
“Epic! Full of big ideas! A thrilling read told on a huge scale.”
Simon Guerrier
“If, like me, you love time travel and prehistoric beasts, you’ll relish this.”
Nigel Marven

Mid-Cretaceous Gondwana. It is the time of the dinosaur.

New World series

Science Fiction and Historic Fiction merge to create

100 Million Years of Epic Adventure

AD2112, and one of the darkest political movements in recent history hides in the shadows, once more poised for a second stab at power. However, an accidental discovery leading to time travel emboldens them to think even bigger – and their plan is simple: erase everyone, start again.

The crew of the USS New World are thrown into a nightmare. Finding themselves initially in the Cretaceous Period, they must survive. A ruthless enemy presses them constantly, and collateral damage seems inevitable as they begin the journey home to an unknown future.

New World Slices

What happened before, what happens next, and what happened while we were all looking the other way

New World Extra - Companion Short Stories